In the year 2012, the GMAT® exam has introduced a
groundbreaking section designed to measure test takers’ ability to convert data
from multiple sources and in different formats into relevant information to
solve problems. The Integrated Reasoning section will measure skills identified
as important for incoming students to have based on a survey of 740 management
faculty worldwide:
- To synthesize data presented in graphics, text, and numbers
- To convert data from multiple sources into meaningful information
- To organize information to see relationships and solve multiple, interrelated problems
- To Combine and manipulate data from one or more sources to solve complex problems
Integrated Reasoning Section is of 30 minutes with 12 questions carrying
questions of following types
- Multi-Source Reasoning
- Graphics Interpretation
- Two-part Analysis
- Table Analysis
The Newly introduced Integrated Reasoning section is designed to measure
your ability to evaluate information presented in multiple formats from
multiple sources – skills you already use, and skills you need to succeed in our data-rich world.